Bio-Image Analysis


The Bio-Imaging Resource Center, provides a variety of image analysis resources/training to our users:

  1. One-on-one user imaging data discussion, where we suggest the best software/method/pipeline for image analysis
  2. Writing of custom image analysis scripts, pipelines, batch processing
  3. Regular image analysis seminars and workshops
  4. Image Analysis User Group meetings
  5. One-on-one user training
  6. Helpdesk session, every Wednesday, 3-5pm

In addition, we encourage our users to contact us at the experimental design stage to have a discussion with our team of microscopy and image analysis experts, to ensure that the imaging data acquired will be appropriate for the planned analysis and research questions


We have expertise in a variety of image analysis softwares/tools, which we use to help analyze our users’ imaging data

Open-source softwares

ImageJ/Fiji, QuPath, Napari, CellProfiler, Icy

Commercial Softwares

Imaris, Arivis, Aivia, Huygens, MetaMorph

Machine/Deep Learning frameworks

Weka, ilastik, Labkit StarDist, Cellpose, DeepImageJ, ZeroCostDL4Mic